Binding Resources

Why Would I Move my Skate Bindings?
We get asked a lot about why you would move the binding on a skate ski, when it comes to classic it is easy to understand that moving it would affect the amount of kick/glide performance that y...

Turnamic Binding Information and Tutorial
If you have Fischer and Rossignol skis there is a good chance you have Turnamic bindings. This article touches on how they work and how they move.

Rottefella Move Switch Binding Tutorial and Information
The MOVE Switch is the original moveable binding that allows you to adjust your binding position on the fly. We talk about the best applications and how they work.

Shift-In Binding Information and Tutorial (Salomon and Atomic)
The Atomic and Salomon Shift In bindings allow you to turn a dial to adjust them on the fly. This article talks about the use and adjustment of the system.

Shift Pro Binding Information and Tutorial (Atomic and Salomon)
A full rundown of the Shift Pro bindings from Atomic and Salomon that are commonly used on their classic and skin skis.