Presented by Pioneer Midwest, Winter Park of America and Wooden Ship Brewing
Join us for an evening race of 20km or 9km at Hyland Park Reserve to finish off the race season under the lights! We will have beverages courtesy of Wooden Ship Brewing for a post-race hangout at Jan's Place! This race is open to all ages, and we will have soda and water available post-race!
Race Sign-up Here
Friday, March 14th 6:30pm @ Hyland Park Reserve
The race is freestyle (skate) technique, but you may classic race if you choose and tracks will be set.
Race Start Time: 6:30pm, start and finish at Jan's Place
Race Registration Ends at 5:45pm on Friday March 14th
Race day registration is available.
$30 Registration before midnight Thursday 3/7
$40 Friday before 7pm Friday 3/13
Bib Pickup: Inside Jan's Place, starting at 5:30pm
Results and Timing: Information will be available after the races conclude, please allow until the evening of 3/14 for results to be posted on and the Pioneer Midwest event page.
Awards: We will have awards for the top 3 overall men and women in each race after the event!
*A day or season Three Rivers Ski Pass is required and not included in the race fee.